

Bent-Prowers Cemetery District Ballot Issue 7C

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Bent-Prowers Cemetery District Ballot Issue 7C:

“Shall the Bent-Prowers Cemetery District Taxes be increased by a total amount of $41,212.00 annually (Prowers County: $9876.00: Bent County: $31, 336.00) or by such amount as may be raised by the imposition of an additional ad valorem property real tax rate of 1,644-mills, being an increase from 2,356-mills to 4,000 mills. To be certified in 2018 and collected in 2019, and continuing each year thereafter as otherwise allowed by law, which increase shall be funding the general fund of the district to provide district operations and cemetery services and the acquisition of capital equipment  and improvements, and shall the district be authorized to collect, retain, and spend all tax revenue collected from such total property tax rate, and all other revenue received from any source, commencing January 1, 2019, and continuing thereafter as a voter approved revenue change, offset, and exception to the limits which would otherwise apply under TABOR (Article X, Section 20 of the Colorado Constitution) or any other law and as a permanent waiver of the 5.5% limitation under Section 29-1-301 C.R.S?