News 5 Investigates has learned VDARE, a white nationalist group centered around “patriotic immigration reform” is planning to hold a conference at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort in 2018.
VDARE is scheduled to hold a 3-day conference at the resort April 20-22.
The convention is stirring up controversy and getting backlash over its alleged ties to the violent rally that turned deadly in Charlottesville, Va.
A spokesperson for the Cheyenne Mountain Resort tells News 5 Investigates that they are working on generating a response regarding the convention, but have yet to send us a statement.
A local attorney who lives close to the resort is asking the venue to reconsider hosting this group.
“God forbid if VDARE does hold their conference and they are spouting hate in Colorado Springs, I can only anticipate that there will protests and activists and I pray to god that it doesn’t turn into another situation like we had this past weekend,” Jeremy Loew, a member of the Country Club of Colorado said.
VDARE says no matter how much push back they get, their conference in Colorado Springs is a go.
“It is our absolute right to come to Colorado Springs and our supporters and leaders have an absolute right to go to Colorado Springs and listen to what we have to say, it’s called our First Amendment,” Peter Brimelow, editor of VDARE said.
Former Colorado congressman Tom Tancredo is scheduled as a speaker at the VDARE conference. Tancredo rain for the Republican Party nomination for President in 2008, centering his campaign on issues of illegal immigration.
Tancredo did not respond to our email seeking comment.
“Join us for a weekend of candor, fellowship, and top-notch speakers, as we celebrate the shifting political tides and discuss the way forward for patriotic immigration reform and American national identity,” VDARE said on its conference registration web site.
A petition titled “Hate is Not Welcome in Colorado Springs” is asking for signatures demanding the Cheyenne Mountain Resort and Mayor Suthers cancel the conference. As of 6 p.m., the petition had just over 100 signatures.
The same petition has also been posted on and has collected over 900 signatures.
The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremist groups in the United States classifies VDARE as a hate group.
For questions related to the upcoming conference, you can contact the Cheyenne Mountain Resort at 719-538-4000.