

State health department releases survey results on attitudes about COVID-19

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DENVER — Saturday, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) released results from a survey on Coloradan's attitudes and perceptions related to COVID-19.

The results show that most Colorado residents are taking the virus very seriously.

The survey was completed by nearly 45,000 Coloradans between March 22 and March 24, 2020.

According to the CDPHE, 72 percent of respondents are "very concerned" about COVID-19 in Colorado. Nearly 90 percent of respondents think it’s somewhat or very likely that they would get sick from the virus and half of the respondents have a combination of symptoms indicative of generalized anxiety over the last two weeks.

The survey also showed that a majority of respondents are taking extra precautions to keep the community healthy. According to the CDPHE, 97 percent are washing their hands with soap and water more frequently, 96 percent are avoiding large gatherings, and 70 percent are working from home.

“This survey shows what we already knew, that Coloradans are strong, and we are all in this together,” said Jill Hunsaker Ryan, executive director of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. “We’re relieved to see that so many people are doing their part to slow the spread of this deadly virus. If we keep this up, we will protect our health care system from being overloaded with critical cases and countless lives will be saved.”

The CDPHE said the survey was fielded among Coloradans who accessed it by going to the CDPHE website. The department added that although people of all racial and ethnic groups took the survey, Hispanic and Black or African American participants are underrepresented.

The complete results of the survey are available here.

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People who have general questions about coronavirus disease 2019 can call CO HELP at 303-389-1687 or 1-877-462-2911 for answers in many languages. Email for answers in English.