

Brigham Young Honor Code Office Under Fire

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(KSL) An online petition has gained thousands of signatures in the last two days after being highlighted by an Instagram account posting anonymous accounts of experiences with Brigham Young University’s Honor Code office.

Supporters of the petition want the Honor Code to be just that, an honor system, and to do away with the office itself.

Petition supporter and BYU graduate Sidney Draughon started the Instagram account in January, and it has since helped the year-old petition gain traction. She hopes the support will bring positive change to the Provo campus.

“While I recognize that BYU is a religious institution and they need to have high standards and there does need to be an honor code, I don’t know if there necessarily needs to be an honor code office that is enforcing personal repentance,” Draughon said.

Draughon said her goal with @HonorCodeStories is to give students a way to voice their opinions after she had negative experiences, claiming she was once turned into the honor code office for liking a semi-crude tweet back in high school.

“I just wanted to feel like I wasn’t alone and I wanted students to know that they weren’t alone,” she said. “I went in there multiple times and left just feeling like they wanted me gone.”

The anonymous Instagram account gained nearly 10,000 followers in the last two days, with hundreds of followers sending her messages about their experiences.

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