

Study links menopause, diabetes

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(WBAL) A new study reveals early menopause is linked to Type 2 Diabetes.

For the past seven years, Dr. Supneet Saluja has been working with 70-year-old Bernadine Brodgon to get her Type 2 diabetes under control. The two are a perfect doctor-patient pair.

When Brodgon was 32 years old, she had endometriosis. One day on her menstrual cycle, heavy bleeding from a fibroid tumor led to an emergency surgery that resulted in a hysterectomy.

“He found it back behind my large intestines and it was about the size of a grapefruit,” Brodgon says.

The hysterectomy saved her life, but forced her into early menopause. She later developed Type 2 diabetes.

Now 38 years later, analysis from data of 13 studies published in Bottom Line Health shows a link between early menopause and Type 2 diabetes.

Dr. Saluja says the link is likely caused by a number of changes that occur during menopause.

“Mood changes, sleep disturbance and weight gain — and those are quite disturbing to women of this age. But what also happens is a drop in estrogen levels and that can cause change in your fat distribution and that can put you at risk for diabetes,” she explains.

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