DENVER – One suspect is in the hospital with a gunshot wound and a Denver police officer is being treated for some type of injury after police responded to a call in northeast Denver before after 7:00 p.m. Tuesday night. DPD says the officer’s injuries are not related to being shot.
Officers were called to the 13900 block of E. Randolph Place, which is off Randolph Place and Aukland Way. The neighborhood is just south of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal. Exactly what led to the shooting is unknown at this time and the Denver police are conducting an investigation right now.
So far this year there have been 15 officer-involved shootings in Colorado. 7 people have been killed and 11 people have been wounded in the incidents.
ALERT: DPD is investigating an officer-involved shooting in 13900 block of E Randolph Pl. Adult male suspect was shot and transported to hospital; cond. unknown. 1 officer transported w/ injury (not gunshot wound). Circumstances under investigation. Updates provided as avail.
— Denver Police Dept. (@DenverPolice) February 13, 2019