COLORADO SPRINGS – A new traffic set up is coming to downtown Colorado Springs starting on Tuesday.
Cascade Avenue between Bijou St. and Jackson is being re-striped. Bike lanes will replace outside lanes and there will be a longer left turn lane for the northbound traffic.
In addition, the two travel lanes are being replaced with just one through lane in each direction. The goal of the project is to improve pedestrian safety near Colorado College and help the traffic flow better.
Most pedestrian accidents at crosswalks on multi-lane roadways are the result of a car in the second lane not seeing the pedestrian in the first lane. By making it one lane, officials believe that it will make that stretch a little friendlier.
The City says the changes will make crossing the street easier for pedestrians by not having them rely completely on signalized intersections.
Workers will start setting up for the changes on Tuesday. If the weather cooperates, the changes will be in place on Thursday. Expect delays in the area.