The City of Woodland Park updated Wednesday they it will not be having a fireworks show on July 4th or 5th this year.
However, during the July 5th ‘Symphony Above the Clouds Celebration, canons from Fort Carson will still be used.
A number of cities have canceled their fireworks shows due to fire restrictions and bans in many counties throughout the state. Woodland Park and Teller county along with surrounding areas will see elevated fire potential and fire weather conditions this week.
According to a release, this will be seen mostly during Wednesday through Friday, as temperatures soar, low relative humidity and possibly dry lightning could occur. The City of Woodland Park says the expected Southwest Monsoon is not predicted to influence local weather during the next week.
The Woodland Park Police Department will be out during the holiday week to monitor and enforce the current fire ban, which does include all fireworks.
People are asked to be vigilant and careful during these dangerous conditions. If you happen to see a potentially dangerous situation, please call police at (719) 687-9262.