

As temperatures heat up: How to save kids and pets from hot cars

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Temperatures nearly hit 100 degrees in Pueblo on Wednesday, and with the summer heat- it’s an important time to remember to keep everyone safe.

While most people know to grab the sunscreen and water on a hot day, every year kids and pets die in hot cars. 

‘At 95 degrees outside the inside of your vehicle can reach 115 degrees in just 10 minutes,’ said Capt. Kenny Rider of the Pueblo Police Department. 

In 2017, Colorado lawmakers passed a bill allowing people to break-in to a vehicle if they see an animal or a child inside. 

However- in order for the person breaking in not to face criminal charges, there are steps that need to be taken. 

In order to legally break into the car to save the pet or child, you’ll need to double check that the car is locked. 

If it is, then you need to try and make contact with the vehicle owner- by going into nearby businesses and places. 

If you can’t get a hold of the owner, then call law enforcement. 

After you’ve made contact, then you can make the call on whether the animal or child is in distress to break into the car. 

By calling police or local animal officers, they can help with the situation, and help determine if it’s best to break into the car. 

‘Not only are we able to provide education for those pet owners, but there are times where we have to step in,’ said Lieutenant Lindsey Vigna, of the Pueblo Animal Law Enforcement.