

Neighbors on edge after rash of car break-ins

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A string of car break-ins in a typically safe neighborhood has many homeowners there on-edge.

It’s happening in the Briargate area not far from Rangewood drive.

News 5 spoke with six different homeowners who live within minutes of each other, each one had their cars broken into over the past week.

And most say, it came as a shock.

"They certainly left no pocket or pouch unturned," Laura Lazechko, a homeowner said.

Lezechko and her family woke up to quite the surprise last Monday morning.

"My husband was headed out the door to go to work and he stepped out the front door and looked at the truck and could tell immediately all of the doors were flapped open, and he said, oh boy so he went out and looked around real quick and he came back in and said everything’s gone," she said.

Upwards of $6,000 worth of specialty plumbing gear, gone…. along with her husband’s wallet.

"It’s just been very unsettling, I used to just smile and wave whenever I saw people drive through and now, I look a little bit more suspiciously," she said.

And she wasn’t alone.

"Doors were left open, shattered, the trunk door was left open, look like they messed with my sound system, tried to yank it out of the back end but failed and kept on going," Devon Naab, a homeowner said.

"Unfortunately, I left the door unlocked and they got one of my GPS systems," Dean Sigman, a homeowner said.

Targeting at least a half-dozen cars on this street and others near Briargate and Rangewood.

"If I was a thief, I would go for the nice quiet neighborhoods, nobody’s looking for that here," Lazechko said.

"I just did the first thing was go check with the neighbors, see if anything else happened and sure enough, it seemed to be something planned up our entire street," Naab said.

Even though Sigman had security cameras, and his neighbor Devon Naab locked his car, it didn’t stop the break-ins.

"You would think that even if they didn’t work, my neighbor has a couple too and you would think that that would be a deterrent for people that want to do it on camera but, not this group," Sigman said.

Police say to be mindful about locking your car, putting it in the garage when possible and make sure your security cameras are working, they can be key in catching the suspects.