In spite of an active monsoon season, it's been another hot summer for Southern Colorado.
Let's dive into the numbers!

When it comes to the heat, the Colorado Springs Airport has already clocked 30 days this year in the 90s.
That's already six more than the 30-year average of 24 days, but not even close to the 52 days that we saw as a record in 2020.

At the Pueblo Airport, we measure the heat here a little differently with triple-digit days.
The Pueblo Airport sensor has registered 20 days at or above 100 degrees so far this year!
This is eight more than the average of 12, and now has us within striking distance of the record of 28 days.
If the latest outlook from the Climate Prediction Center is a hint of what's to come, we could be looking at more warmth through the start of fall.

Overall trends are in favor of warmer than average temperatures over most of the country, with the highest chances of continuing heat favoring parts of Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Idaho and Wyoming.
Now for the fun part...
With the dog days of summer in full swing, have you been dreaming of cooler changes, or perhaps the first snow of the year?
Well, here at News 5, our weather team has a friendly wager going to see who can guess the first snowfall of the season most accurately for the Colorado Springs Airport.

Sam Schreier has the earliest pick of the weather team, eyeing October 7th.
Mike Daniels, the legend of Southern Colorado forecasting, has picked October 12th.
My bet is for October 21st, which is closest to the average first snowfall of the season. That date is October 26th.
Alex O'Brien is banking on the strength of La Nina to delay the first snow of the season to November 17th.
Only time will tell, but make sure to stay tuned to find out who comes out on top.