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First snow and freeze expected after Labor Day

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First snow and freeze expected after Labor Day

I've got to be honest, I am not ready for the free-fall of temperatures heading our way for Labor Day.

Record heat is possible this coming Sunday and Monday, followed by possible record cold Tuesday and Wednesday!

My solace comes with distracting myself with data and historical numbers. So, how normal is this cold snap heading our way September 8th and 9th?

Snowy September History

In Colorado Springs, snow in September is not a novel idea. In fact, since snow records began in 1947, about 20% of "first snows" were in September. It is certainly rarer in Pueblo, with only 8% of the "first snows" occurring this month.

But, it's been quite a while since it snowed in September. The last time in Colorado Springs was September 8th, 2001. For Pueblo, it was September 27th, 1996.

The earliest recorded snow in Colorado Springs was September 3, 1961 with 4.2 inches. For Pueblo, it was September 17th, 1971 with 7.3 inches. Go big or go home, I suppose.


Accumulating snow next week will be harder to achieve than freezing temperatures. We are certainly ahead of schedule in that department as well.

On average, Colorado Springs sees its first freeze on October 1st and Pueblo on October 8th.

We have already passed the earliest freeze ever in Colorado Springs, which is September 1st. Pueblo may see this all-time record broken this year, with the earliest freeze recorded on September 9th.

And if you live in most of southern Colorado, a freeze next week will be well ahead of schedule.

Buckle up, the Colorado weather rollercoaster is about to take off.