Today’s Forecast:
Partly cloudy today with warmth. Temperatures will be near average, or slightly above. Scattered showers are possible across the region from mid-afternoon through the evening. Thunderstorms are possible as well, favoring zones south of HWY 50.
COLORADO SPRINGS: High: 60; Low: 34. Warm day with isolated showers after lunch time.
PUEBLO: High: 70; Low: 36. Lots of sunshine today, with warm temperatures. Evening thunderstorm is possible.
CANON CITY: High: 66; Low: 38. Partly cloudy today with isolated rain possible. Warm overall with sunshine.
WOODLAND PARK: High: 50; Low: 28. Warming up nicely today with sun. An isolated shower is possible in the early afternoon.
TRI-LAKES: High: 50s; Low: 20s. Mild in the low 50s today with sunshine and a spotty showers possible.
PLAINS: High: 60s; Low: 30s. Upper 60s today with partly cloudy conditions. Thunderstorms possible this afternoon through the evening.
WALSENBURG/TRINIDAD: High: 60s; Low: 30s. Sunny start with a better chance of rain and lightning this afternoon.
Extended Outlook:
A similar weather pattern is expected through next week, with warmth and spotty showers likely daily. But, Tuesday brings the greatest chance for rain and stronger thunderstorms.