Today’s Forecast:
Lots of sunshine and warmth today! Temperatures will be climbing about 5 degrees above average today. Winds will be light.
COLORADO SPRINGS: High: 80; Low: 53. Warm today with sunshine to start and clouds in the evening.
PUEBLO: High: 86; Low: 54. Warming up today with dry conditions and sunshine.
CANON CITY: High: 84; Low: 52. Warm and sunny today, with afternoon clouds. Likely to stay dry.
WOODLAND PARK: High: 70; Low: 46. Comfortable today to the low 70s with afternoon clouds that might have a sprinkle of rain.
TRI-LAKES: High: 70s; Low: 40s. Low 70s today with light winds. Sunshine is with us to start with afternoon clouds.
PLAINS: High: 80s/90s; Low: 50s. Upper 80s and low 90s in the plains with dry as a bone conditions.
WALSENBURG/TRINIDAD: High: 80s; Low: 50s. Mid 80s are expected today with plenty of sunshine and likely staying dry.
Extended Outlook:
Friday will be about 5 degrees warmer than today. There is a slight chance of rain in the mountains and southern I-25 corridor, but those will remain pretty scarce. The better chance of thunderstorms in the mountains and front range will be on Saturday afternoon. Sunday is trending dry and breezy.