Today’s Forecast:
Sunny and closer to average temperatures today. Expect some decent snow melt. Road conditions will greatly improve. Enjoy!
COLORADO SPRINGS: High: 46; Low: 18. Sunny and mild in the afternoon.
PUEBLO: High: 50; Low: 16. Nice day with lingering snow expected to melt.
CANON CITY: High: 52; Low: 23. Mild with sunshine and snow beginning to melt.
WOODLAND PARK: High: 43; Low: 15. Much more comfortable today with sunshine.
TRI-LAKES: High: 40s; Low: teens. Mild with sunshine and melting snow.
PLAINS: High: 50s; Low: teens/20s. Quite mild today to the mid 50s and sunny.
WALSENBURG/TRINIDAD: High: 50s; Low: teens. Low 50s today with sunshine.
Extended Outlook:
A cold front will sweep through overnight, leading to a cold Sunday in the 20s in the mountains and 30s in the Plains. Plus, this front provides more snow fall potential. Snow will fall along I-25 and in the mountains Sunday morning, lingering in the mountain peaks and valleys through the evening. Here is the thinking for snowfall totals: