

Gorgeous weather in store on Saturday in Colorado

June Blooms Photography Milkyway
and last updated

Today’s Forecast:
Sunshine and warmth are expected across the state today with high pressure moving in.

COLORADO SPRINGS: High: 57; Low: 26. Gorgeous day with sunshine and mild temperatures.

PUEBLO: High: 61; Low: 24. Becoming warm this afternoon with lots of sun.

CANON CITY: High: 61; Low: 35. Sunshine and warmth today!

WOODLAND PARK: High: 52; Low: 23. Cool and crisp today but feeling nice with the sunshine.

TRI-LAKES: High: 50s; Low: 20s. Mid to upper 50s today with lots of sunshine!

PLAINS: High: 60s; Low: 20s. We will mostly see low 60s in the Plains today with sunshine.

WALSENBURG/TRINIDAD: High: 50s; Low: 20s. Pleasant in the mid to upper 50s today with light winds.

Extended Outlook:
A cold front will move through southern Colorado on Sunday morning and bring temperatures back 10 degrees or more. This will leave us cooler, but closer to average extending into early next week. Temperatures gradually climb back up Tuesday and Wednesday, with more 50s returning. Expect sunshine through mid-week. The next big cool down comes Thursday, leaving the end of the week cold.