Tonight's Forecast:
Mild and partly cloudy tonight. Temperatures will fall to the 40s in the mountains and 50s in the plains. Sunday starts with scattered clouds.
COLORADO SPRINGS: Low: 54; High: 86. Partly cloudy Sunday and very warm, about 6 degrees above average. Stray light shower possible in the afternoon.
PUEBLO: Low: 57; High: 94. Cool to start and HOT tomorrow afternoon. Likely to stay dry.
CANON CITY: Low: 59; High: 91. Returning to the 90s tomorrow with plenty of sunshine.
WOODLAND PARK: Low: 48; High: 77. Comfortable tomorrow to the upper 70s with sunshine. A light isolated shower is possible in the afternoon.
TRI-LAKES: Low: 50s; High: 70s. Upper 70s to low 80s Sunday with partly cloudy conditions. A stray shower is possible in the afternoon.
PLAINS: Low: 50s; High: 90s. Mid to upper 90s Sunday with a few clouds. Likely to remain dry.
WALSENBURG/TRINIDAD: Low: 50s; High: 80s/90s. Upper 80s in Walsenburg and low 90s in Trinidad. Sunny and warm on Sunday.
Extended Outlook:
Looking ahead to next week, temperature will remain near seasonable. Daily thunderstorm chances return as well, with the greatest chance being Tuesday.