

Calm and warm weather for the Plains and snow begins in the mountains

Vernon Lilly Las Animas sunrise
and last updated

Today’s Forecast:
High clouds remain in place today and so does the warm weather. High temperatures will be 15-20 degrees above average in southern Colorado.

COLORADO SPRINGS: High: 61; Low: 31. Great day ahead with filtered sun and warmth.

PUEBLO: High: 60; Low: 26. Warming nicely again, likely to hit the low 60s today.

CANON CITY: High: 64; Low: 32. Some high clouds remain, with a very warm day ahead.

WOODLAND PARK: High: 57; Low: 27. Very mild today with high clouds and light wind.

TRI-LAKES: High: 50s; Low: 30s. Staying just under 60° today with high clouds.

PLAINS: High: 60s; Low: 20s/30s. Another awesome day ahead, mostly

WALSENBURG/TRINIDAD: High: 60s; Low: 20s. Low to mid 60s today with high clouds and peaks of sunshine.

Extended Outlook:
Temperatures this week will gradually cool day by day, to the 40s and 50s for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Travel will be easy with dry weather along I-25 and in the Plains for the holiday. Snow is expected in the mountains Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday afternoon, so plan on potential driving hazards as you head west.