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With record heat REMEMBER, it’s hotter inside parked cars

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(COLORADO SPRINGS) – Colorado Springs and Pueblo are approaching record breaking highs in temperature, and when it’s that hot outside, you can be sure it’s even hotter inside a parked, turned off car.

In fact, a car sitting out in the sun during 80 degree weather can reach a temperature of 123 degrees after only an hour.

Which means, don’t ever leave kids or pets inside a parked vehicle that has no power.

However, if you do come across a vehicle, that’s parked and powered down, a new state law empowers you to take action to save lives.

You are allowed to break-in to vehicles to save lives, but only after taking certain steps:

  • Make sure the vehicle is locked
  • Make attempts to contact the owner by going into nearby businesses and “places”
  • Call law enforcement

Once you have completed the checklist, the law allows you to make the call as to whether or not the occupants, pets or children, are in distress.

If you determine the occupants do need help, you may break a window. Once everyone is safe the law requires you to stay at the scene to explain what happened to local law enforcement.