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Volunteers work to rehabilitate trails at Garden of the Gods

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(GARDEN OF THE GODS) – When you visit the Garden of the Gods, you might hear nothing but the wind; but not when the Rocky Mountain Field Institute is hard at work.

“We’re here doing volunteer work for the rocky mountain field institute to restore trails at Garden of the Gods,” stated Grayson, a volunteer.

Each year millions come out to enjoy the sights and sounds afforded by the garden, “In other words this place is just getting loved to death,” said Alex Hladkyj with RMFI.

And so each work season, RMFI brings out more than 1,000 volunteers, “What we need to be doing is getting out here, where  the rubber meets the road, getting in the dirt, putting in the work, putting in that hands on stewardship to make this place more sustainable and for future generations to enjoy,” Alex continued.

On this particular day, those volunteers are coming from the Colorado Springs School, “It feels really good to help out your community,” said James, a student.

It’s one of those “Two birds with one stone” situations. However, in this case it’s education and community service.

“We want them to walk away with tangible experiences, getting these skill sets for conservation and become the leaders of tomorrow,” said Alex.

It’s not just students in the garden, there are hundreds of workdays for all.

RMFI says they wouldn’t get nearly as much work done without volunteers.

If you’d like to get involved, you can volunteer HERE.