Even though we're still weeks away from the official start of summer, unseasonably hot weather is already in place across Southern Colorado.
With all of this hot weather, it takes me back to the hit 1980s song by Glen Frye, "The Heat is On". You might remember it from the movie, "Beverly Hills Cop".
When the weather is hot like it is right now, it's important to remember certain safety tips for dealing with the heat.

The first tip is to drink plenty of water. This helps to keep you hydrated since perspiration levels are much higher during hot and humid days. While water is best, you'll want to avoid sugary or alcoholic beverages.
My number two tip is to check on your elderly friends and neighbors, especially those without air conditioning. The elderly population is particularly susceptible to heat related illness during periods of hot weather.
If possible, reduce time outside. If you work outside and this is difficult to do, try to take frequent breaks during the hottest parts of the day. Seek shade or air conditioning, drink fluids, and allow your body ample time to recover.
Finally the most critical tip is to never leave your children or pets unattended in a vehicle during hot spells of weather. Temperatures can rise to critical levels in a matter of minutes.

Let's look ahead at the forecast for Pueblo. Temperature trends over the next 5 days show plenty of heat. While we haven't seen our first 100 degree day yet this year, highs some days could top out in the upper 90s. The average high this time of the year is right around 83 degrees.

In the Springs, our forecast is calling for middle to upper 80s. The average high this time of the year is 75 degrees.

Since long stretches of hot weather will become more common in the summer months, we should all know the signs when it comes to protecting ourselves from things like heat exhaustion and heat stroke. See the picture above for more information.