PUEBLO — A little girl in Pueblo got a new bike Thursday, but it's not just any bike. Gemini, who is five years old, was born with cerebral palsy.
American Medical Response (AMR) and Pueblo Diversified Industries donated the custom tricycle to Gemini. Her mom, Shania Kent, says the trike is a big help to get her around.
"She gets really tight and.. it's hard for her to move her muscles properly," said Kent. "So, having a bike,... I could help push her until she learns how to get that motion. So, it's a... huge deal."
Kent says she is grateful for this gift because a custom trike like this costs $3,000.

Union workers at King Soopers stores in Pueblo are set to go on strike on Friday
The announcement came from Local 7 President Kim Kordova on Thursday during a news conference, according to Scripps News Denver.
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