NewsCovering Colorado


Increasing trail users raises need for trail etiquette

Colorado trails

EL PASO COUNTY — There are rules of the road— in outdoor oriented communities you also need to know about traffic control for trails.

Trail advocates in the Pikes Peak Region are stepping up efforts to increase safety and prevent conflicts in local parks and open spaces. “Outdoor activities are becoming increasingly popular.”said El Paso County Parks, Park Planner, Ross Williams “So, knowing trail etiquette, practicing trail etiquette is going to become more and more necessary.”

There is an etiquette system on trails. “Who yields to who,” said Williams. Everyone yields to a horse. Hikers and runners get the next priority. It means cyclists are the first to give others the right of way.

If two users from the same group come face to face, for example two cyclists on a single track trail, then the one going down waits for the rider going up. “It just creates a situation where you’re not trying to pass each other, you’re not going to hit handle bars, just keep everyone safer,” said William

Etiquette also includes dogs. Leashes are required in most parks.

Common sense and courtesy are also okay. If one group waves another to come through, it is fine.

Busy trails will be more common with longer, warmer days ahead. Trail etiquette makes way for a safer, friendly experience.