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Frustration: COVID vaccine payment transition


COLORADO SPRINGS — The messaging remains the same.

Getting a COVID shot is important.

Only, this year’s COVID vaccination process is creating some irritation.

With a sigh, Ryan Splain said, “I was just really frustrated because if this is still such a public health and social issue that is deadly, it can be life changing, the impacts of not getting these things done, then why aren't they just making it really, really easy on people”

There has been a transition from government funding underwriting the vaccines during the pandemic crisis.

Now, payment for COVID is either from insurance or out of pocket.

Splain recently scheduled both his covid and flu shot at his usual pharmacy.

The appointment was confirmed, he took time off work, then at the counter learned there was in issue no one told him about before arriving.

“They said unfortunately, actually, we don't contract with your insurance anymore and so if you do want to receive these vaccines today, it's actually going to cost you over $200 for both of those.”

The annoyance continued when he searched government websites that are supposed to show covid vaccine options.

The result kept showing a black screen.

By calling around himself, he was able to find another pharmacy that does take his insurance.

Kristi Durbin the El Paso County Public Health Immunization Program Manager said, “If for some reason you were running into barriers accessing your COVID-19 vaccine and you do have private insurance, I would recommend calling your private insurance and seeing where you can get that COVID vaccine at no charge to you.”

She reminds that the days of mass COVID vaccine clinics are over and the emergency government funding is done.

With the change, she says most health insurance does cover the COVID vaccine.

“If you do have questions about that, please contact your insurance company,” said Durbin.

If you do not have insurance coverage your local health department and some pharmacies have free options.

“We still have people who are being hospitalized and getting that COVID vaccine can prevent you from being severely ill or being hospitalized,” said Durbin.


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