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September 11, 2001: News5 gathers your perspective

Remembering 9-11 - 20 Years Later (Blue)
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Parents of flight attendant killed in attacks: God will judge them for what they did

Forty-two year old Kathy Yancey Laborie was on United flight 175 when it crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center at 9:03 a.m. New York time.

Laborie grew up in Colorado Springs and went to Mitchell high school. Her parents spoke with our Dianne Derby about their daughter, their heartache and the judgement they believe her killers will one day face.

U.S. Space Command's General James Dickinson reflects on 9-11

Commander of U.S. Space Command at Peterson Space Force Base, 4-star Army General James Dickinson, was working as a Lieutenant Colonel in the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.

General Dickinson shares what he saw that day and the lessons learned from the attack, among other things. He also expresses his gratitude for those service men and women who have sacrificed so much the past 20 years in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan in response to the September 11 attacks.

20 years later, local retired generals reflect on 9/11

For Gen. Ralph E. “Ed” Eberhart (Ret), then commander of the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), the beginning of his day started off business as usual.

When he learned there had been a hijacking on a commercial flight. He remembers a few thoughts running through his head.

He arrived at his office on then-Peterson Air Force Base when he turned on the news and saw the image of the first tower at the World Trade Center.

Looking back on America's Longest War; Afghanistan "then" to "now"

It's easy to forget the impacts the September 11 attacks had on the world, especially the impacts it had on the country where the attackers came from, Afghanistan.

News5's Caroline Peters looks into what the country looked like before and after America's longest war, and what one 23-year Army Veteran believes the future holds for Afghanistan citizens that U.S. soldiers care deeply for.

Soldiers ruck march 50 miles in New York City

A group of special forces soldiers from Fort Carson rode a 50-mile long ruck march through New York City over the span of two days to raise money for charity. The charities help Gold Star Families within the special forces community, and support families of 9/11 victims and those who continue to suffer health problems connected to the terror attacks.

The 50 For the Fallen event was organized by Chad Conley, an active-duty Green Beret. The march began Friday, September 10 at Yankees Stadium and finished the morning of Saturday, September 11 at Ground Zero.