

Hot and dry again today with slightly lower fire danger

Garden of the Gods Sunrise
and last updated

Today’s Forecast:
We're going to be hot again today, but not quite as hot as we were on Wednesday. Highs will generally be about 2 to 4 degrees cooler than yesterday. We'll see lighter winds today which is helping to keep fire danger on the low end. Overnight we'll be warm and calm with continued dry skies.

COLORADO SPRINGS: High: 94; Low: 60. Sunny, hot, and breezy in the afternoon.

PUEBLO: High: 100; Low: 65. Very hot and sunny with generally light winds in the afternoon.

CANON CITY: High: 98; Low: 65. Hot but with light winds in and around Canon City which will help firefighters control the YMCA fire.

WOODLAND PARK: High: 88; Low: 52. Warm and sunny with light daytime winds.

TRI-LAKES: High: 80s; Low: 50s. Sunny, hot, and breezy in the afternoon.

PLAINS: High: 90s; Low: 60s. Very hot again today with lots of sunshine and generally light winds in the afternoon.

WALSENBURG/TRINIDAD: High: 90s; Low: 60s. Hot and breezy at times with dry and sunny skies.

Extended Outlook:
We'll see a slight warm-up tomorrow by a degree or two across the region. The weekend stays hot and mostly skies, although on Sunday there seems to be a slight risk for daytime thunderstorms. We'll be even hotter early next week with a weak cool down by Wednesday.