

It’s all down (sloping)…from here!

and last updated

Summary: Dry weather through Thursday. Milder weather through Wednesday. Look out for overnight fog Monday night into Tuesday early especially, for the Arkansas/Hwy 50 region.

Other than that, it’s really quiet for a while. The closest High Pressure systems are over a 1000 miles away in opposite directions, but this is one of the nice things about this part of the world, you don’t need one, to get bright, warmer weather. Because a west wind will do the trick. And that’s what we have, until Tuesday night. that down-sloping wind, chews up moisture and allows that drier air to cool down efficiently at night, and warm up by day. So, expect up and over 50F Monday, and upper 50s to 60F Tuesday. (The only caveat is the eastern Plains. That fog may hold you back 5-15F each day, as the sun’s energy is used up for the first 2-5 hours after sunrise, burning it off.)

COLORADO SPRINGS:  Low: 20, High: 52. Clear tonight. Mostly sunny & warmer Monday.

PUEBLO:Low: 17, High: 56. Starry tonight, mostly sunny 7 warmer Monday.

CANON CITY: Low: 22, High: 54. All clear tonight. Mostly sunny Monday.

WOODLAND PARK: Low: 17, High: 44. Clear & cold tonight. Mostly sunny Monday.

TRI-LAKES: Low: 18, High: 46.  Clear & cold tonight. Mostly sunny Monday.

PLAINS: Low: 14, High: 48. Clear with patchy fog tonight. Early fog, then mostly sunny Monday.

WALSENBURG/TRINIDAD: Low: 23, High: 54. Clear tonight. Mostly sunny Monday.

EXTENDED OUTLOOK: Bright Tuesday (50s). Fog at night (Arkansas River Valley). Fair Wednesday & Thursday..