

Weather Alert Day: Strong winds, rain/snow chance

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Today’s Forecast:

Another day of very strong winds. Gusts will likely be even stronger today, at least 40 to 50 mph with gusts near 60 mph at times. High Wind Warnings will be in effect for most areas through 2 am. We’ll see some sunshine for the first part of the day. A cold front arrives this afternoon with wind, clouds, and a quick shot of rain/snow showers. Accumulations, if any, will be minor. Winds stay strong through the evening and overnight hours as another cold front moves through with lows mainly in the 20’s as colder air moves in.

COLORADO SPRINGS: High – 56; Low – 25. Strong winds today with a chance for a few rain/snow showers this afternoon. 

PUEBLO: High – 63; Low – 26. A gusty day with the chance for a quick shot of rain this afternoon.

CANON CITY: High – 60; Low – 27. Strong winds today with the chance for a quick shot of rain/snow this afternoon.

WOODLAND PARK: High – 45; Low – 14. Gusty winds today with a quick shot of rain/snow this afternoon.

TRI-LAKES: High – 50’s; Low – 10’s. Strong winds today with a quick round of rain/snow the afternoon.

PLAINS: High – 60’s; Low – 30. Gusty winds with a chance for isolated mainly rain this afternoon.

WALSENBURG/TRINIDAD: High – 60’s; Low – 20’s. Very strong winds today with the chance for rain/snow showers later on.

NEXT WEEK: Winds eventually ease up throughout the day on Sunday. Skies will be mainly sunny, but temperatures will be chilly behind our cold fronts. Highs only in the 30’s and 40’s. We’ll see a lot of improvement for the rest of the week. Temperatures will improve, getting back into the 50’s and low 60’s by Tuesday. Mostly sunny for the first half of the week with calmer winds. Winds increase again for the second half of the week with some extra cloud cover in the mix. The next chance for precipitation will come later Friday into Saturday