
The city of Greeley has been infiltrated by turkeys

Greeley Police Department puts out a facetious wanted flier for a culprit named Turkey Doe
Greeley and the turkeys

GREELEY, Colo. — Turkeys are finally getting their Thanksgiving revenge.

In the city of Greeley, the police department has been posting pictures to social media of dozens of turkeys halting traffic and climbing on top of cars. They even posted a fake wanted sign for a culprit named Turkey Doe.

"I've worked for Greeley for three years, and I've lived in this area for the last 10. And I don't ever remember seeing turkeys like this," said Kent Keller, public information officer for the Greeley Police Department.

In the above video, you can see the hilarious sign, as well many pictures from their social media of the turkey takeover.

Keller is asking the community to please not get out of your car and attempt to shoo the turkeys, for they could charge at you. Instead, you can honk your horn, or call the Greeley Police Department to come shoo on your behalf.