SportsAthlete of the Week


KOAA Athlete of the Week: Discovery Canyon's Julia Thomas

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The Discovery Canyon Thunder girl's swim team is ranked No. 1 in the 3A division, much in thanks to a junior swimmer who just can't get out of the pool.

"I have always enjoyed water when I was little," explained Discovery Canyon swimmer Jula Thomas. "And I kept on improving and everyone was supporting me. It made me enjoy it a lot more."

Thomas has been a competitive swimmer with Pikes Peak Athletic since she was little, but this year she decided to changes things up when it came to competing in high school

"The last couple of years I have been doing basketball because I also love basketball," Thomas said. "But this year I have a lot of close friends on the team and I just really want to swim for my school."

Julia ranks 1st in 3A in the 50-yard and 100-yard freestyle and is 3rd in the 100-yard butterfly

"I don't know it is just really fun to spring as fast as I can," joked Thomas, who also want to swim competitively in college.

And now Thomas will look for her first state title as an individual and as a team with the Thunder.

"But I think without them, I wouldn't be able to do what I have done without them this season."