
Looking for a challenge? Check out these online puzzle options

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COLORADO SPRINGS — We're all dealing with managing the pressure and finding alternatives for our families. News5 is helping with #TheReboundColorado as we examine how we get back to work, track to make sure government is going to the right places, helping you make ends meet, and helping to connect people virtually.

Our Patrick Nelson reports puzzle sales have soared up 300% since we started Stay at Home and are now in Safer at Home. Some people are having trouble finding new puzzles on store shelves as we work to address boredom and mental health. Getting yourself away from screens for some "me" time is a great idea as well. Read more: Good for the mind: Jigsaw puzzle sales soar

If you've exhausted all the puzzles in your home, try these online for free. These sites have a wide range of options for virtual puzzle solving based on your choice of expertise and number of pieces involved.

Online puzzles offers a wide range of puzzle opportunities based on expertise.

How about some crosswords? The following options include an advertisement to watch before starting, but on the plus side you won't need to print out anything and no one will judge you for needing to erase answers to solve the puzzle.

Share your ideas on how you're doing things differently and what's helped in your home. Email us at and download the News5 App for more ideas and join the discussion in our The Rebound Colorado Facebook Group.