
Car dealership sees all-time high demand, not enough supply

Southwest Motors luckily purchased more cars in anticipation for tax season, but still needs more
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PUEBLO — Car dealerships all over the country have empty spots in their lots, due to a shortage.

"The demand is the highest that we’ve ever seen it! Been here for 30 years," said Owner of Southwest Motors Mike Zavislan.

All of the dealerships lining Highway 50 in Pueblo are struggling to keep enough cars in house for the number of customers looking for a new vehicle.

“People got the money from the government, and they’re not going on vacation.”

Zavislan says the shortage comes from both high demand and a lack of new cars coming down the pipeline. He explained that when the pandemic hit, many manufacturers cut the production of semiconductors and now they are experiencing a shortage.

However, Southwest Motors saw their best month ever just this past March.

“A year ago, we were sitting here closed. we weren't even allowed to have anybody in our lot. There was cars all over the place across the country, they didn't know what they were gunna do with them... A year later, no one would've predicted we were gunna have record months."

One customer at the lot says he noticed the lack of inventory when purchasing a car for his wife several weeks prior.

“As you can see out here, there’s a scarcity of vehicles!” said the customer, looking out the window of the dealership.

Yet, even with a shortage, Zavislan says now is one of the best times ever to purchase a new vehicle.

“Our interest rates are the lowest they’ve been ever in our history, and if you take a payment on a car… You can pay about 20% more for a car and you really have the same payment... Cause you’re paying less interest than you were four or five years ago!"

Many dealerships in Pueblo are also willing to "give people an incredible amount of money" if their car is in fair enough condition, in order to increase the lot's stock.