

Blizzard warning issued for Hawaii

Thirty Meter Telescope

The National Weather Service (NWS) issued a blizzard warning for Hawaii.

Big Island Summits could receive 12 inches of snow and experience wind gusts over 100 mph this weekend.

The strong winds are expected to cause drifting snow.

"Travel should be restricted to emergencies only. If you must travel, have a winter survival kit with you," the advisory says. "If you get stranded, stay with your vehicle."

While it may sound odd for it to snow in Hawaii, the NWS says it's not uncommon. The highest peaks in Hawaii generally receive snow every winter, according to the NWS.

However, AccuWeatherreports that this is the first blizzard warning for Hawaii since spring 2018. The warning runs until 6 a.m. Sunday.

A flood watch has also been issued for Hawaii as a cold front moves across the state this weekend.