

Avalanche survivor: "I guess maybe this is it"

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(KHQ/NBC News) A survivor of Tuesday's deadly avalanche at Idaho's Silver Mountain Resort says he didn't expect to live through the ordeal.

Skier Bill Fuzak was buried in the avalanche that killed at least two people. Five were injured, and one person was still missing as of Thursday.

Fuzak wrote on a public Facebook Group page that they noticed snow fracturing pretty quickly above them and below them.

Fuzak said another skier said, "it’s giving way, try to stay on top”.

He was quickly pulled under.

"As the moving snow ground to a halt and compressed around me I started punching upwards with my right fist to create an air hole above me," he wrote. "I was able to successfully reach the surface with my right fist and then started creating space around my mouth and face to get air."

After punching a hole for air, he started shouting and waving his hand out the hole so someone would see him.

Then a second, more powerful slide hit, covering his breathing hole.

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