

House approves 9/11 first responders bill, Colorado Rep. Ken Buck votes against it

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WASHINGTON (AP) — The House has overwhelmingly approved a bill ensuring that a victims compensation fund for the Sept. 11 attacks never runs out of money.

The 402-12 vote Friday sends the bill to the Senate, where Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has agreed to call it up before the August recess.

Lawmakers from both parties hailed the House vote, which comes a month after comedian Jon Stewart sharply criticized Congress for failing to act. Stewart, a longtime advocate for 9/11 responders, told lawmakers they were showing "disrespect" to first responders now suffering from respiratory ailments and other illnesses as a result of their recovery work at the former World Trade Center site in New York City.

Stewart said Friday that replenishing the victims fund was "necessary, urgent and morally right."

Colorado Republican Rep. Ken Buck was one of the 12 representatives that voted against the bill. Buck represents much of Colorado's eastern plains. Buck also serves as the chairman of the Colorado GOP.

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