DENVER — The family of Hosnely Sanchez, 8, has been seeking life-saving heart surgery for her since she was born. They finally found it in Colorado after traveling from Venezuela.
Yenitza Sanchez and her family spent 2.5 months on a difficult journey from Venezuela to the United States.
"We slept on the street, went through hunger and cold," Sanchez said, in Spanish.
They decided to leave everything behind in search of a miracle for their young daughter, Hosnely.
The 8-year-old has Down syndrome and was born with an enlarged heart and lung problems. Her mother said only one of her four heart valves is working.
Sanchez said they have been searching for a life-saving surgery for Hosnely since she was born, but it was difficult to obtain in Venezuela.
“The doctors told me they were impressed after hearing her journey to get here when they saw her condition," Sanchez told Denver7. “The doctors told me her condition is very delicate.”
Sanchez said since her daughter's condition is so severe, Children's Hospital Colorado offered her a year of health insurance to cover her surgery.
"Truthfully I feel thankful for that. I feel very blessed, I had been seeking that surgery for years, and here, I found it. It was one of the reasons I came," she said.
Hosnely's surgery is scheduled for the end of February and she'll have to spend three weeks in intensive care. Sanchez said her family's time at the Quality Inn is up in March. She hopes someone will help them find some stability.
“I’m scared. I don’t know where I’m going after I have to leave the shelter," she said, “Right now with this emergency, I need someone to help me."
Despite the uncertainty, the family is thankful they've been able to achieve their biggest goal.
“We’re here, thanks to God. And Hosnely got good news that she’s going to get her surgery," Sanchez added.