ESTES PARK — Fall brings plenty of beautiful sights and numerous festivals to enjoy. It also brings the familiar sound of bull elk throughout Estes Park during rutting season. The annual Elk Fest is taking place in Bond Park on September 28th, and 29th, this year. The festival is free and perfect for the entire family.
If you'd like to plan a mini-vacation around the event, you should look into lodging now because Estes Park gets very busy this time of year. Until then, if you need an Elk fix, please enjoy the video courtesy of Estes Park News, Inc.
Saturday, September 28
- 8:30am - Rut Run 5k
- 10am - All Vendors Open
- 10am-3pm Kids Corral w/ fun activities and crafts
- 10:30-10:50am - "Elk of Estes Park" film in Town Hall
- 11am-12pm - Native American Storytelling
- 12:15-1pm - Bugling Contest
- 1-1:20pm - "Elk of Estes Park" film in Town Hall
- 1:30-3pm - Live Music from Avenhart
- 3-5pm - Native American Music, Dancing & Storytelling
Sunday, September 29
- 10am - All Vendors Open
- 10am-3pm Kids Corral w/ fun activities and crafts
- 10:30-10:50am - "Elk of Estes Park" film in Town Hall
- 11am-12:30pm - Live Music from Cass Clayton
- 12:45-1:45 - Rocky Mountain Raptors, educational performance
- 2-4pm - Native American Music, Dancing & Storytelling
- 2:30-2:50pm - "Elk of Estes Park" film in Town Hall