PUEBLO — In a statement on the Pueblo government website, Pueblo Police Chief Troy Davenport is reassuring the community that PPD will still provide services during the COVID-19 outbreak.
"We have a plan in place to deal with a number of contingencies so that we can continue serving the community," said Chief Davenport in a statement.
The department will continue to respond the emergencies and carry out their duty for the public, but will make some changes due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Pueblo PD will scale back the number of ancillary services they provide, such as fingerprint processing for licensing applications.
In addition, Davenport is asking the community to do their part as well.
"In addition to following the guidelines that our healthcare professionals are asking of us, such as practicing good hygiene, washing our hands, engaging in social distancing, etc., I ask that you exercise kindness and treat others with respect," said Chief Davenport. "Be patient with your fellow shopper at the grocery store. Drive carefully. Check on individuals who are isolated or have difficulty caring for themselves. Pay attention to how your children are processing the situation and reassure them."
Davenport is reassuring the public that we as a community will get through this difficult time and things will get better.