NewsCovering Colorado


Pitkin County issues traveler affidavit requirements due to COVID-19

and last updated

PITKIN COUNTY — If you plan on heading to Pitkin County, there are a few things you need to know before taking your trip.

Pitkin County enacted new travel orders to protect the community this winter as the ski season ramps up and travelers come from across the country.

All travelers coming to Pitkin County must complete an online travel affidavit prior to arrival.

Who must complete the travel affidavit:

Any traveler spending one or more nights in Pitkin County that does not meet any exemptions below.

  • This applies to all visits to Pitkin County if they are more than 10 days apart.
  • This does not apply to those visiting Pitkin County for the day.
  • Parents are required to include all minors in their affidavit.
  • All travelers are required to adhere to Pitkin County’s personal gathering requirement of no more than 10 persons, up to two households. This includes all private residences, even if the gathering is masked and socially distanced.

All travelers, staying at least one night in Pitkin County, who do not meet an exemption (as outlined below), are required to:

  • Complete the Traveler Affidavit prior to arrival which includes, a negative COVID-19 test result for any persons 10 and above, that has been administered within up to 72-hours prior to your arrival to Pitkin County
  • Be symptom free for 10 days prior to your travel
  • Quarantine for 10 days if you have not completed a test


Persons Commuting for Work or School: People who regularly commute to Pitkin County to attend school or work are exempt from quarantine and needing a negative test. Workers or students who travel to Pitkin County for personal or leisure reasons cannot rely on this exemption.

Workers providing Critical Infrastructure Services: Workers who enter Pitkin County to perform Critical Infrastructure functions (as defined by CDC) are exempt from quarantine and excluded from needing a negative test within 72 hours of arriving in Pitkin County while they are commuting to or from or while at work.

Patients Seeking or Receiving Medical Treatment: Patients who are traveling to Pitkin County to seek or receive specialized medical care and persons accompanying and providing needed support to the patient. All patients will still be expected to comply with local medical provider testing requirements.

Military Personnel: Any person who is required to travel to Pitkin County at the order or directive of a Federal or State military authority.

Failure to comply could result in a $5,000 fine.