PUEBLO — If you live on the east side of Pueblo and you're in need of food assistance, the nonprofit Rocky Mountain SER is teaming up with Care and Share and other organizations to host a food distribution at noon at 2717 West Street.
This is the first one of its kind, and hopefully of many more to come. Rocky Mountain SER is a nonprofit that started in Pueblo back in the 1980s. Their first mission was to help migrant seasonal farm workers have access to job training skills. But, this year had to shift gears quickly to help meet the need of the community.
On Wednesday, they are hoping to serve more than 100 families.
With the partnerships of Pepperidge Farms, Pueblo Food Project, and Eastside Action, Rocky Mountain SER has received donations overnight which will allow them to pass the following:
- 60 cases of chicken (12 per case) each family will get 2
- 250 pounds of ground beef
- 230 pounds of sausage
- Cheesecake from Pepperidge Farm
- Chocolate bars from World Finest Chocolate
Thanks to Care and Share's donations, they will also be able to hand out the following:
- 1 bag of mix veggies approximately 5 lb or more depending on potatoes
- 1 can ravioli
- 1 loaf of bread
- 1 box pancake mix
- 1 can mix fruit
- 1 can sweet peas
- 1 can beef stew
They're hoping to continue these food distributions until they can establish a permanent food bank here on the east side of Pueblo.
"I'm hoping at least [help provide] a couple of meals for the week," said Christopher Hall, CEO of Rocky Mountain SER. "I know that this is not going to be the true answer to the problem but we are going to a small piece of the pie that is going to help us solve the problem."
It is first come, first served. All you have to do is drive up, and pop your trunk and volunteers/staff will give you a bag of food.
Rocky mountain SER is hoping to take this mobile food bank throughout the San Luis Valley within the next couple of months.