COLORADO SPRINGS — A paid reservation system for the Incline is being supported by the Manitou Springs City Council as it works toward reopening the popular site.
The council discussed whether to reopen the Incline at its Tuesday evening meeting and while there is no set reopen date, the city is hoping to move forward with this plan to reopen it "as soon as possible."
Wednesday, the City of Colorado Springs issued a statement in response to the Manitou City Council's discussion.
The Manitou Incline is owned by three partners, the statement said. They are the City of Colorado Springs, the U.S. Forest Service and Colorado Springs Utilities. The City of Manitou Springs has a specific role related to enforcement a parking, the statement also said.
The statement goes on to say that the suggestions that came out of Manitou's City Council Work Session Tuesday night "go far beyond the scope of temporary, health and safety-related issues around COVID-19." Colorado Springs said it will review the ideas with the other property owners, but added that it is premature to suggest major changes are needed, "particularly under the guise of COVID-19," and without agreement of all owners and after a significant public process.
The City of Colorado Springs also said in its statement that the fee proposal as it is currently written goes beyond mitigating risk and if it were to be put in to place, would require a significant public process to evaluate a future usage fee and additional managment options.
Colorado Springs did say in its statement that it continues to encourage the City of Manitou Springs' current management plan that recommends addressing parking strategies and Ruxton corridor traffic congestion.
Learn more about the Manitou Springs City Council's proposed reservation system here: Manitou Springs City Council supports paid reservation system for the Incline