PUEBLO — Colorado wants New Mexico to put its chile where its mouth is after the Land of Enchantment put a burn video out this week.
The video said Coloradans prefer the Hatch Chile over the Pueblo pepper.
Donielle Kitzman, the executive director of the Pueblo Chile Grower's Association, says there needs to be more eating and less talking.
The group wants the New Mexico Certified Chile Program to come to the chile fest and have a chile pepper taste off, and the Pueblo association will do the same for an event of New Mexico's choosing.
"We think the fans have an opinion and they want it known. They want at the end of the day a winner we want to give it to them because we know we are it," said Kitzman.
Governor Jared Polis has offered his own input on the heated hostility. He says there is a possible chile cookoff in the future.