
Rhodes Scholar is “Spirit of Springs” winner

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COLORADO SPRINGS – Just 32 American college students have been honored with a prestigious Rhodes Scholarship, including Serene Singh of Colorado Springs. And on Monday, Mayor John Suthers bestowed upon Ms. Singh, the “Spirit of the Springs” award, recognizing the best our great city has to offer. She is a University of Colorado, Boulder graduate, and a Rampart High School graduate.

Serene Singh
Rhodes Sholar Serene Singh. Photo courtesy of Glenn Asakawa/CU Boulder

Serene is headed to Great Britain in the Fall to pursue a double master’s degree, and took time out on Monday afternoon to thank the Mayor and all those responsible for the award, saying, “For me, Colorado Springs always has been,is,and will always be my launch pad in life, and it’s because of the incredible people that have crossed my paths in this wonderful city.”

She told News5 that she is as proud of the spirit award as she is the Rhodes Scholarship. We wish her well in her future endeavors and congratulate Serene on the award.