

Now is the time to be bear aware

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COLORADO SPRINGS — Spring has arrived and that means it’s time for everyone to be more aware of their surroundings as bears become more active.

According to Colorado Parks and Wildlife the warmer weather means bears will be emerging from their winter dens to explore and search for food.

Homeowners can take many steps to avoid putting bears in danger by not enticing animals into backyards, driveways and garages.

Bears are naturally attracted to common items such as dog food, bird food and trash.

Homeowners can now take an assessment of their properties to be bear safe. That includes: bringing bird feeders inside by dusk, keeping pet food secured or indoors and not leaving trash out in the open and only bringing dumpsters to the curb as close to pick up as possible.

CPW has a variety of resources for everyone in Colorado regarding living among bears whether at home or while spending time in the mountains. You can read all of the information available by clicking HERE.