BROOKLYN, NY – A New York bookstore located in Brooklyn is hosting an event for people angered by the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court: A public hex.
“Witches” will host the event on Oct. 20th, event organizer Dakota Bracciale recently told Newsweek. It’s intended to “make Kavanaugh suffer,” Bracciale said.
The ritual, which will include effigies, coffin nails, graveyard dirt, and a spell, will be attended by about 60 people but has attracted the interests of thousands, according to Bracciale.
Bracciale said the bookstore has organized hexes before, including three last year on President Donald Trump. The organizer also said that not everyone in attendance will believe in the power of the hex, but that it is a spiritual or emotional catharsis.
Justice Brett Kavanaugh isn’t the only subject of the gathering’s anger though. Those in attendance will also be targeting “all rapists and the patriarchy which emboldens, rewards, and protects them,” according to the hex’s Eventbrite page.
Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court was marred by controversy after Christine Blasey Ford publicly accused the judge of sexually assaulting her in high school. Kavanaugh vehemently denied the allegation and was confirmed to the court by a historically narrow margin on Oct. 6th.
The organizer of the event said that many of the people in attendance will be sexual assault survivors based on feedback from planned participants. According to Bracciale, witchcraft has historically been an outlet for oppressed people to “take matters in their own hands.”
Tickets for the sold-out event cost $10, with one-quarter of the proceeds going to the Ali Forney Center – a group that supports homeless LGBT youth- and one-quarter going to the Planned Parenthood.