NewsCovering Colorado


CPW investigating mysterious die-off of hundreds of carp in Lake Pueblo


Lake Pueblo – Colorado Parks and Wildlife says their officers are investigating the mysterious die-off of hundreds of common carp that recently surfaced around Turkey Creek in Lake Pueblo State Park.

CPW said there is no obvious reason as to why the fish died and it’s a difficult thing to figure out, as they need a dying fish to perform a necropsy and identify any potential viruses or pathogens.

The fish were first discovered on July 27th, when park rangers on a routine boat patrol noticed about 10 dead carp in the area. Two days later, park visitors were reporting “dozens and maybe hundreds of dead carp” in the Turkey Creek area on the far western edge of the lake on its north banks.

After receiving so many reports, Mike Trujillo, CPW area wildlife manager was called in to investigate. Trujillo and Park Rangers searched the western end of the lake for several hours and found approximately 300 dead carp along the banks in Turkey Creek Cove and stretching west of the creek.

CPW said no other fish species was found along with the carp.

At this time, CPW aquatic biologists have only theories as to what may have caused the die off. The department did say the die off represented only a small portion of the carp population in Lake Pueblo.

It appears the die off has ended,” CPW Senior Aquatic Biologist, Josh Nehring said. “But biologists and park rangers are keeping a close eye on the situation. We don’t want boaters to be alarmed by the sight of the dead carp, which may be visible in the water for the next week or two.

“If anyone spots struggling carp in the water, please notify park staff of the location.”