Colorado Parks and Wildlife officials are asking anglers to help them with a problem along several rivers by voluntarily stopping fishing on specific sections of several rivers.
The voluntary closures are from 2:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. on sections of the Eagle River, Colorado River, Crystal River and Roaring Fork River. The fishing closure is effective immediately.
High water temperature and low water flows are the factors that are motivating officials to implement the closures. Because it is a voluntary closure, no one can be ticketed for fishing during those times.
"We appreciate the patience of our angling community as we work through some tough climate conditions," said Northwest Regional Manager JT Romatzke. "Conserving our state’s fisheries is critical, not just for anglers, but for the local communities and businesses that rely on these resources for their livelihoods."
CPW officials said they would like anglers to fish early in the day and find alternative places until conditions along the rivers improve.
Here is a closer look at the exact areas along each river that anglers are being asked to avoid.
- Eagle River from Wolcott downstream to its confluence with the Colorado River
- Colorado River from State Bridge downstream to Rifle
- Crystal River from Avalanche Creek downstream to its confluence with the Roaring Fork River
- Roaring Fork River from Carbondale downstream to its confluence with the Colorado River
Signs will be posted in the areas that serve to not only notify of the closure but to suggest fishing at a higher elevation. If the environmental conditions do not improve, Parks and Wildlife officials said they may have to extend the closures or implement mandatory closures.