

Save on back to school costs


The rush to get back to school supplies can end up costing parents thousands of dollars.

Money Crashers released a list this week of ways that you can avoid spending as much as $1,000 per child this season. The first recommendation is to do a sweep of your home for supplies.

Many households have office supplies in abundance in hidden places, like closets and desk drawers. By gathering them up and keeping them in a central location you will be able to only purchase the items you are missing. As part of the sweep, go through closets and drawers sorting clothes. This way parents have an accurate look at what needs to be purchased.

Once you sort out what you have the next tip involves organizing a supply swap with friends and neighbors. This is especially helpful if you have an abundance of several things that you will not be able to use.

The site also recommends shopping at garage sales and thrift stores to find items you need for back to school. It’s suggested to start clothes shopping in July and putting the clothes away to keep them fresh for when school starts.

Consignment shops and dollar stores can also hold bargains. Following your favorite retailers on social media is another way to keep up with sales and discounts. While many parents focus on saving money on every item, however, that mentality can burn out shoppers faster.

Instead, focus on the big ticket items like electronics and work your way down. Other suggestions include having your kids complete chores or other neighborhood jobs to earn the money to pay for some items.

There are many more ways to save, click here for the link to the full list of tips.