

Hazy skies as wildfires burn in the West

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We’re not alone in dealing with fires right now. There are a lot of fires burning across the western half of the U.S.

These fires are focused along and west of the Rockies. Most are small in scale. The Spring Fire is actually by far the largest fire in the country. It has burned over 100,000 acres and produced a lot of smoke in the process, as we’ve noticed in our skies lately.

All of these fires are putting smoke into the atmosphere and causing the hazy conditions we’ve become familiar with over the past several days. That haziness has been pushed in other directions, depending on the flow of the atmosphere. Smoke has generally been funneled east, all the way towards the great lakes while fanning out as far north as Canada and as far south as Texas.

With all of the smoke currently in the air, the haze is likely to continue as long as the fire puts the smoke into the atmosphere.

We have a pretty stagnant weather pattern in place right now with high pressure to our west. Winds will be a touch breezier over the weekend, but no major rain or pattern shift heading our way through at least the middle of next week.