

Emergency Fire Ban for Woodland Park


Effective immediately, the City of Woodland Park has enacted an emergency fire ban due to the extreme wildfire hazard. The order signed by Woodland Park City Manager Suzanne Leclercq was written based on advice from Northeast Teller Fire Chief Lambert and Teller County Sheriff Jason Mikesell.

The following are the provisions of the ban:

A ban is hereby imposed on open fires within the incorporated area of Woodland Park effective immediately. The fire ban shall apply to the following activities:

a. Building, maintaining, attending or using any fire to burn trash, debris, fence rows or vegetation, any campfire, recreational fire, firing of model rockets, or any incendiary device and outdoor charcoal grills. Now to include propane and natural gas grills, propane or natural gas patio heaters, gas stoves, lanterns, smokers, pellet stoves, propane and natural gas fueled warming fires, pellet stoves and electrical stoves.

****Not to include licensed and registered food vendors.

b. No smoking except within an enclosed vehicle, trailer, or non-commercial building.

c. Operating or using any internal combustion engine, including but not limited to chainsaws, lawnmowers, generators and all-terrain vehicles unless equipped with a spark arresting device properly installed and maintained.

d. Welding with an open flame except inside of a building.

e. Use of or lighting of any fireworks or explosives requiring fuses or blasting caps within the corporate City limits.

f. Any other device, mechanism or material that is judged by the Woodland Park Police Department to cause any potential fire hazard.

Violations and Punishments

It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision or fail to comply with any of the requirements of this Emergency Regulation. Upon conviction of violations of this regulation, the municipal court may sentence an offender to a term in the county jail not to exceed one year or a fine not to exceed $1,000, or both.


Guide to wildfires burning in southern Colorado